Saturday, August 12, 2006

Now... We saw lots of things on our trip.... People selling all kinds of things on the side of the road, Bad drivers, even some wierd advertising.... But this convertible, or should I say Customized Convertible Puerto Rican Style... took tops on our list of Memories.. enjoy the pics. Posted by Picasa
The sleepy corner! OJ and Shaunda relaxing with RUM PUNCH. I think they forgot the punch but we did not mind!!

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Absolutely Beautiful water...

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A day on the water!!!

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There was gonna be no Strutting with the broken feathers!!!  Posted by Picasa

Why did the Hippo's not have any water.......?.... Hmm... Ghetto Zoo!!!
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What the Heck is going on here! Poor guy is missing his feathers. Looks like he lost that fight!
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That had to be the smallest African Elephant we have ever seen! This zoo is VERY GHETTO!

OJ was a bit confused at the sight of these birds.
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