Thursday, January 04, 2007

Education is Key .. Beauty and the Geek!

WOW.... This is for my friend Ayo! :-) I got sucked into watching Beauty and the Geek on the new CW last night. First of all, you all know there will be to token black girl on these reality shows..... at least one! Well, true to form, there she was. A model, very pretty, but dumb as a box of rocks! Wheeeewwwww... She definitely made me realize why I tutor and mentor young ladies in my community. Dayum!

So here were the challenges from last night..

  1. Locate 3 books in the library using the Dewey Decimal system.

  2. Read the book Freakonomics, a magazine and a newspaper.

Problem #1

Tori could not locate the 3 needed books. She had no idea how to use the Dewey decimal system or what those little numbers meant. WOW.... So she breaks down crying.. WHAT. Chic, get a grip!

Problem #2

The challenge they were preparing for was the role of the News Anchor. They were to read off the TelePrompter and interview a guest. Yeah, you see this one coming... the guest was Stephen J Dubner, one of the authors of Freakonomis. Well, Ms. Tori decided to get some rest and blew off the preparation for the task. She did not read a note, article or the book jacket. Mannnn... I was holding out hope. I figured maybe she had a little sense and knew something. NOTTTTT! When she got to the studio and found out what she was to do, OH yeah!!! She started scanning the book. Chic found one key word somewhere in the middle of the book and stayed on it.. Parenting.. What the hell! This was not a book about raising kids. LOL. Needless to say, they did not win the challenge.

Well, now they are up for elimination and one last time for your girl to shine :-) They have to take part in a quiz. Two questions, easy as hell to a normal person. Not so easy for Tori. Oh yeah, you know I am gonna give you the questions...

  1. In what year is the next presidential election to be held?

  2. On Wall Street, what does the initials NYSE stand for?

Her answers.......

  1. November 2006 -- Well, now we know she does not vote for presidents....

  2. Uh.. I don't know. I was thinking National something !?! -- WTF. Seriously people!

Needless to say.........

Tori & Sanjay

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bible or Quran?

I found an interesting article on the USAToday website.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, will use a Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson during his ceremonial swearing-in Thursday.
The chief of the Library of Congress' rare book and special collections division, Mark Dimunation, will walk the Quran across the street to the Capitol and then walk it back after the ceremony.
Ellison, D-Minn., contacted the library about the book last month, Dimunation said.
Some critics have argued that only a Bible should be used for the swearing-in. Last month, Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., warned that unless immigration is tightened, "many more Muslims" will be elected and follow Ellison's lead. Ellison was born in Detroit and converted to Islam in college.
Ellison spokesman Rick Jauert said the new congressman "wants this to be a special day, and using Thomas Jefferson's Quran makes it even more special."
"Jefferson's Quran dates religious tolerance to the founders of our country," he added.
An English translation of the Arabic, it was published in 1764 in London, a later printing of one originally published in 1734.
"This is considered the text that shaped Europe's understanding of the Quran," Dimunation said.
It was acquired in 1815 as part of a 6,400-volume collection that Jefferson sold for $24,000, to replace the congressional library that had been burned by British troops the year before, in the War of 1812.
"It was a real bargain," Dimunation said.

So what do you think? Should newly elected reps be allowed to use the Quran over the Bible?

Ouchhhhh!! That Hurts!

Iits official... I started my quest for the Marathon last night. My first stop was a new pair of running shoes. I found this great store with knowledgeable staff and good customer service..Anyone that knows me will tell you I value my money and will NOT spend it where I get poor service. NOT happening! But anyway. If you are in search of a good shoe, check out

So after trying on about 4 pair and getting fitted (again) for a shoe.... the sales guy had to give me props for knowing what I needed. (New Balance Stability Control :-))

New Balance 757
You'll remember that I trained for The Breast Cancer 3 Day two years ago (60 miles in 3 days) and went through this process then. After aching feet and blisters I found that New Balance was the best shoe in the world for my feet! So why change now. LOL....
Well, off to the gym. Yes people I said the GYM... No, I did not just join :-) But you could tell that many have made the same New Years Resolution. LOL.. I have taken this Powerflex Class before and it is awesome for toning, but danggggg..... I am paying for it right now! I think my muscles forgot that I had actually been to the class before. (Ummm.. yeah it has been about a month since I was last there.,... but that is not the point!)

Anyway, have a great day and I'll have an Aleve :-)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Resolutions....

So, how many more people are gonna ask me what they are? :LOL.... Are they gonna make it past January or heck, even last one week.... Well here they are.. I guess I will have to be accountable for them after I tell you huh?!?


  1. I am going to run/walk a Marathon this year! Lofty goal, YES, but I think I can do it. Stay tuned for more details...


  1. Get my CISSP and CCSP certifications

  2. Challenge myself to move to SE 2 ... Whew.. thats a lot of work.

So there you have it ladies and gents.....

I'll keep you posted!

Happy New Year!

Christmas Presents for All

Christmas Day 2006

Lots of cool gifts for all!!! Pics below...


The Ford Family Elf! :-) . Now I know ya'll all have one in your family.... You touch a gift until she gives it to you!

Ms. April


Deb with her prized gift from Monie!

Grandma and Grandpa..... You Know we can't ever make things easy... My Aunt actually taped the gift to a textbook to make the box feel heavy. LOL.... Everyone know not to give my grandmother anything OTHER than MONEY!!!! But it always helps to keep her thinking. LOL

Rita opening her gift.

Me with one of my gifts, from Aunt Deborah, but made by my Uncle John (Lil John Wood Designs)

Christmas with the Fords.....

Christmas 2006

Man I love my family. Would not trade them for anything. There are always some jokes and good fun comedy. Here are a few pics from Christmas Eve Church, Dinner and Christmas Day!


Audrey, Myself and Lewis

Rita and I .... Looking Hot in our Red Suits!!!
Rita and Lewis

The Family at Dinner! We ate welllllllll...... LOL