Monday, January 22, 2007

Back in the Day.....

* Close your eyes...And go back...
* ....Before the Internet or PC or the MAC......
* ....Before semi-automatics and crack....
* ....Before Playstation, SEGA, Super Nintendo, even before
* ....Before cell phones, CD's, DVD's, voicemail and e-mail....
* ....way back.... ....way.....way.....way back.....
* I'm talkin' bout hide and seek at dusk
* Red light, Green light
* Red Rover....Red Rover.....
* Playing kickball & dodgeball until the
* Streetlight came on
* Ring around the Rosie
* London Bridge
* Hot potato
* Hop Scotch
* Jump rope
* Parents stood on the front porch and yelled (or whistled) for
*you to come home - no pagers or cell phones
* Mother May I?
* Hula Hoops
* Seeing shapes in the clouds
* Endless summer days and hot summer nights (no A/C) with the
*windows open
* The sound of crickets
* Running through the sprinkler
* Happy Meals
* Cereal boxes with that GREAT prize in the bottom
* Cracker jacks with the same thing
* Ice pops with 2 sticks you could break and share with a friend
* ...but wait.....there's more....
* Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons
* Fat Albert, Road Runner, Smurfs, Picture Pages, G-Force &
*He-Man, Schoolhouse Rock
* Watchin' Sunday morning oldies (Abbott & Costello, Three
* Wonder Woman & Super Man Underoos
* Playing Dukes of Hazard
* Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar
* Christmas morning
* Your first day of school
* Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses
* Climbing trees
* Swinging as high as you could to try and reach the sky
* Getting an Ice Cream off the Good Humor Truck
* A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers
* Jumpin' down the steps
* Jumpin' on the bed
* Pillow fights
* Sleep-overs
* A 13" black and white TV in your room meant you were RICH
* Runnin' till you were out of breath
* Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt
* Being tired from PLAYING
* WORK: meant taking out the garbage or doing the dishes
* Your first crush
* Your first kiss (I mean the one that you kept your mouth CLOSED
*and your eyes OPEN)
* Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7UP" or hangman" in
* The classroom, Remember that?
* Oh, I'm not finished yet....
* Kool-Aid was the drink of the summer
* So was a swig from the hose
* Giving your friends a ride on your handlebars
* Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school
* Class Field Trips with soggy sandwiches
* When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there
* When a quarter seemed like a fair allowance;
* and another quarter a MIRACLE
* When ANY parent could discipline ANY kid, or feed him, or use him
* to carry groceries...And nobody, not even the kid, thought a
*thing of it.
* When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were COOL
* When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared
*to the fate that awaited you at home.
* Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because
*of drive by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.
* Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! And some
*of us are still afraid of em!
* Didn't that feel good? Just to go back and say, "Yeah, I
*remember that!"
* Well, let's keep going!!
* Let's go back to the time when...
* Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo"
* Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
* "Race issues" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
* Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in
* Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening
* It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.
* Being old, referred to anyone over 20. (CRAP! I'm officially
* The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was
* Nobody was prettier than Mom
* Scrapes and bruises were kissed by mom or grandma and made
* It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the "big
*people" rides at the amusement park.
* Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.
* Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare"
* Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for
* The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
* Water balloons were the ultimate, ultimate weapon.
* Older siblings were your worst tormentors, but also your
*fiercest protector
* If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!
* Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from their "grown
*up" life......I TRIPLE DOG DARE YA!!!!!!

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