Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Resolutions....

So, how many more people are gonna ask me what they are? :LOL.... Are they gonna make it past January or heck, even last one week.... Well here they are.. I guess I will have to be accountable for them after I tell you huh?!?


  1. I am going to run/walk a Marathon this year! Lofty goal, YES, but I think I can do it. Stay tuned for more details...


  1. Get my CISSP and CCSP certifications

  2. Challenge myself to move to SE 2 ... Whew.. thats a lot of work.

So there you have it ladies and gents.....

I'll keep you posted!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Shaunda,

I figured if I posted my 2007 commitments here, I may actually complete them!!! At least there will be folks who can check up on me to see if I am trying to accomplish them.

In 2007, I am committing to:

1) Approach each day with new zest and enthusiasm as well as fervent prayer, thankfulness, and dedication.

2) Maintain a prayerful and "In God's Favor" attitude toward each obstacle I face.

3) Improve my eating habits ( I ain't givin up sweet tea, yet, though!!!)

4) Read 10 books (any author)

5) Get my finances in order (as much as possible, given my current situation)

6) Exercise at least 2 times weekly (gotta start somewhere) :-)

7) Complete my CISSP and CCVP certifications

8) Push myself to SE2

9) Effectively use my mentor relationships (current and new)