Monday, January 08, 2007

Let Life Come

What you most sincerely and fundamentally desire, you have already. Drop your shallow pretenses, and you will see.
The power and purpose you seek, are with you even now. Let go of those doubts that have become so comfortable, and you will know.
Stop seeking to classify and to judge every moment, and you'll start seeing each moment's unique treasure. Let life come to you with whatever it brings, and you'll find it bringing more value than you could ever desire.
Those dreams that fill you with joy are no mere illusions. They point to who you truly are.
Those dreams are as real as you allow them to be. Allow them to live at the front of your awareness today.
Right now the richness of life is all around you. Let it carry you along with peace and joy and fulfillment and love.
-- Ralph Marston

Wow.. This was pretty powerful. We often spend lots of time looking for the next big thing to happen and miss enjoying the greatness that we have in front of us. I have spent a great deal of time waiting to do things in my life beacuse of other people. Fortunately for me, I learned this lesson quick before I let life continue to pass me by.

Three most important things that I have begun to do in the past year that help me to enjoy Life as it Comes are:
  1. Enjoy time with my friends and family in the moment.
  2. Learn to accept people in their place and not to change them knowing that we are all growing at different rates.
  3. Love time with myself, life does not stop just because you are Single!!!! :-)

What are your thoughts?

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