Monday, March 17, 2008

A New Start at WW

So I am on the SERIOUS quest to loose some pounds. Now I have tried WW before, but never - ever stuck with it......Why this time...... well I need to do this for ME. I want to complete another 3-day this year and have a couple of weddings coming up! Must look fabulous!!!!

Here is where I am starting!

1. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A serving is ½ cup, except for leafy greens which are 1 cup per serving. For those over 350 pounds, 9 servings is recommended.

2. Get at least two servings of calcium a day. Eat at least 2 servings of non- or low-fat milk products each day. A serving is 1 cup. Increase to 3 servings if you’re over 50 or weigh more than 250 pounds.

3. Drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of water each day. If this is hard for you, try flavoring your water with fruit or cucumber. Cups with measurements and/or built-in straws help too. Up to half of your daily fluid intake can come from decaffeinated drinks other than water, such as milk, juice or herbal tea.

4. Make sure you get enough protein. A serving or two a day will keep you healthy. Choose low-fat sources such as skinless poultry, lean meat, fish and eggs.

5. Have 2 teaspoons of healthy oil each day. Two teaspoons of olive, canola, safflower, sunflower or flaxseed oil are recommended — so your body gets the vitamin E and essential fatty acids it needs.

6. Take a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement every day. Everybody’s different, so talk to your doctor to figure out the right multivitamin for you.

7. Choose whole grains whenever possible. Choose whole-wheat (or oat or multigrain) bread, instead of bread made with refined white flour; whole-wheat pasta instead of white; and brown rice instead of white.

8. Limit added sugar and alcohol. Both contain empty calories. Avoid processed foods with added sugar. And experts recommend no more than one serving of alcohol per day for women, and no more than two per day for men.

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